Roll With It

By Falmike

Money Saving

Amongst the familyresolutions for 2012 was to save money and over the course of the Christmas break we must have gone through half a dozen tins of biscuits/sweets with me looking longingly at the tins as I put them in the recycling bags/boxes.

Imagine then my almost unbridled joy at receiving my very own tin, it's mine, it says so on the lid. I'm not sure it will be large enough, the plastic tub that holds all the "come in handy" chargers and leads is the size of steamer trunk and still bulges at the seams so this may be for more "delicate" items like my collection of memory sticks, (I cannot remember what's on most of them), odd cufflinks and tie pins or perhaps my pen collection. The opportunities are boundless but we will have to visit the store that sold it to see what other "treasures" it has.

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