Not much...

just the effect of the world turning.

Sometimes it goes on without us noticing. Like the poor boy in school today who was so tired at the end of an exam that we were able to dismiss the other students around him without waking him. He was wrecked, poor thing, and he had a 40 minute break before coming back for another exam. It's hard on them sometimes, and sometimes it makes me feel very protective of them. I'm turning into a mother hen!

A mother something.


I was going to get the telescope out, but when weighing up the obvious joy I would have from stargazing against the comfort and warmth of the sofa, I figured the stars would wait for me.

Top right quadrant of the picture - there's a white streak that cuts across the star trails - it's either an iridium flare (light flare from the sails of the Iridium communications satellites in low orbit round the earth) or it's a shooting star. I'm going with iridium flare, but I am going to be a nerd and check the timings against the online database. Upon checking my original single images, it appears to be a meteor (shooting star!) Who knows? The universe is really cool.

Geek out! Night.

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