send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard

Day 139: Playing with parallax

I had one of those "eureka" moments this morning, when I looked out of my window to a beautiful sunrise. As with many towns, the view was blighted by power cables. When the sky has such smooth transitions as this, cloning isn't the simple matter it may seem, so I'll often ignore a shot altogether. Today it suddenly occured to me that if I simply altered my position by a couple of inches and took a second shot, then I could use the change of perspective to remove them completely with a single change of layer blend mode.

Useful trick. You can see what I was trying to remove after the break?

Nikon D300; Tamron 18-270mm PZD @ 30mm; ISO 200; F/5.6; 1/50s. VC on.

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