
By Juleshki

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Top of what I hear you ask?
Top of what I was standing on, of course.

I can't be sure but I think this entire town was deserted. How do I know this? Mainly because everyone was on the same road that I was on this afternoon. Every turn I made. It's a long time since I've seen the narrow lanes up on the moors just as busy as they were today.... and there was quite a bit of reversing going on... some of it from me and some of it from others.

There seems to be an unwritten rule as to who will reverse first. One chappie I encountered who offered to reverse, rather unsuccessfully at the first attempt, had two black dogs leaping about all over his car and whilst I'm not a massively proficient lipreader, it was not at all difficult to discern what he was saying or should I say, muttering.

It all goes to show that we all like a little bit of sunshine.
And bobble hats, judging by the number I have seen today...

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