Views of my world

By rosamund


This is the scarf I finished weaving yesterday with a weft that is made of homespun baby camel and a silk fibres with a commercial warp in a co-ordinating yarn.

This is the first project I have completed on the new knitters loom I got for Christmas. I am now planning another using the silk I finished spinning this weekend. I need to get the yarn I want for the warp but I'm hoping a trip to my lovely local yarn store will soon sort that out as I have my eye on something rather special which would be the perfect colour and add some amazing texture too. I'll let you see the work in progress once it's on the loom.

I'm still measuring linen warp to go on the big loom but with 840 ends to measure, and only 140 done so far I reckon it's going to take a while. I want to make quite a wide cloth in a complicated twill pattern which will test my skills to the limit but as I have learned in weaving, it's all about getting the warp right so I don't mind taking the time to do the necessary preparations as even the repetitive mundane tasks allow you time to think.

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