Views of my world

By rosamund


As I was driving to work this morning the promise of a sunrise worth blipping hung in the air. At Greenock it was just a hint of red under some deep purple clouds, it was slightly richer by Port Glasgow and by Bishopton I couldn't risk missing it completely so I pulled off the motorway at West Ferry for a quick snap in the cold.

I'm glad I did as it was my only chance. When I dropped Carlos in Glasgow the whole sky was ablaze with colour but there was nowhere suitable to catch a view. By the time I reached my destination it had faded completely so I was glad of my earlier stop.

Had an intensely thought provoking day, it's exciting to feel challenged and have a fresh focus at work. It makes the time fly by when my mind is constantly on the go. Home now, feet up, cup of tea and some telly, perfect way to unwind!

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