Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Unzip a Banana

Busy day running about then a drive up to Renfrew for a funeral tomorrow. Realised there wasn't going to be much time for blipping at breakfast so I grabbed the camera a got a shot of my breakfast - a banana. This was to be the emergency blip in case nothing better materialised, and nothing did!

I usually have a banana for breakfast and have done so for over 20 years. I think it stems from my serious running days when bananas were recommended as a great source of energy. You still see sportsmen eating them, in particular tennis players. Watch out. you might just see Andy Murray having one at the Australian Open!

I seem to recall an advertising campaign for bananas way back in the 60's with the catchphrase "Unzip a Banana". For some reason I don't think it would catch on nowadays!

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