Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Wind Chill

I suspect there will be a load of weather related blips today as we all try and keep warm.

I couldn't understand at first why the guys who come every couple of years to empty our septic tank (who go by the deceptive name of Dr Eco!) called the other day to say they were in the area. They normally visit our area in late Spring to avoid travelling on our single track roads in Winter weather. When they arrived yesterday to empty the tank I enquired about their change of routine. It turns out they have based their tanker in Campbeltown for a couple of weeks as its one of the mildest places in Scotland. In the last big freeze a couple of years ago the pumps on the vehicle froze overnight and cost £10,000 to repair, nearly putting them out of business. So it looks like a sensible precaution in case of another big freeze and means we must be one of the mildest parts of the country

So here we are in Carradale sitting in a balmy 1 or 2 degrees above freezing. The problem however is the wind which has been blowing constantly about 30mph for the last day or so. I have calculated this equates to a wind chill factor of -7c, which feels as cold as it sounds! Still, we have a lot to be grateful for as it looks like we will avoid the snow forecast for large parts of the country.

I was quite surprised this morning to see some blue in the sky and the clouds on the horizon filling up with reds and oranges. Because of the cold weather this is probably one of the quickest blips I have ever taken. I literally ran from the house to the water's edge and rattled off a few quick shots. There was no way I was hanging about any longer!

As it turns out, this was the one bright spell on an otherwise very grey and cold day.

Burns supper in the village hall tonight, so just hope they have the heating turned up full.

Hope everyone is keeping warm out there!

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