
By Appreciation

Citrus A Go-go

So, your Seville oranges, yeah, are like the best oranges for making Marmalade. You'll only get 'em at this time of year yeah, cos they're only in season now. Pukka. They taste right, like, sour but hmmmm zingy yeah.

So basically yeah, you peel off the skin, chop it right, really funky, then hammer out the juice. Put it all in a big, like, pan yeah and add water, sugar and yeah, like any kind of booze you fancy for a really vibrant, hmmm, gorgeous, like, taste yeah. Boil it up, yeah, its gotta get really hot, yeah then bish bang bong there's your Marmalade, Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy, yeah, Respect to the Oliver.

What he omits to tell you is all the fiddly scaping off of the skin. The endless chopping. The squeezing out of juice and separating the pips, which means your hands are covered in acidic juice which finds every little cut and scrape. Then the awful wait for it to cook. The careful attention it needs so it doesn't boil over and scald you or you end up burning it. Then of course there's the fact that it always burns the bottom of your pan no matter how careful you have been. So you spent the next 40 minutes scrubbing away at it, boiling vinegar and dishwasher tablets in the pan to remove the burnt bits.

But man, is it worth it. Go on, open another orange - you know you want to. Me, I'm off to drink some of the left over booze.

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