two trees...

...hanging in an aqua sky

blithering about what to post between getting things done around the house... glanced outside and saw the most incredible sky - with the sun attempting to peek through the clouds - but more than that... the sky, although overcast had the most incredible aqua hue to it...

i don't believe i've done it justice here... doing landscapes - the sky - clouds... are not my forte - however one must push past what they perceive to be limitations and have a go at it, right? otherwise, i'll never quite learn what i'm missing... if you've got suggestions on how i might have made this better, feel free to comment as i'm open to hearing what i can do to grow...

outside of that - i'm quite satisfied with being willing to take a chance - put something up that's out of my norm - stretching myself is a good thing... getting out of a rut can be exhilerating, albeit scary. it all makes for...


happy day.....

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