Dr Happy

On the way up the path, coming back from swimming, Ellen fell and scuffed her hand. No sign of damage but there were tears. But with the help of Dr Happy here, all was well. Once attention had been diverted from the scuff to how to apply the plaster - how should it be orientated, where was the sorest bit?

Then me and Ellen headed of to Glasgow while Mandy took Ewan to a birthday party. To Evans to look at a bike. Well, it's a generous gift from the government who want to subsidise the playthings of the relatively wealthy at the same time as they're cutting benefits. Interesting priorities and I pondered for a second the morality of taking the subsidy (and the subsidised childcare and all the subsidies that are thrown at the working middle classes). What would they do with the money if I refused to take it?

As we pulled into the Braehead car park there was a wee bit of a discussion on Radio 4 about Stephen Hester's bonus. Would be get the full £1.4million? Would Cameron stop it? Puts my bit of a bike into perspective and gives a bit of a clue about what they'd do with the money. At least that's how I justified it to myself as I went to get my bit of shiny.

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