Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

An Inside Kind of Day

The dining room produced the best view today with a hint toward the Valentine season.

We woke this morning to rain, much needed rain, but when the pups announced their desire to exit their little houses at 7:30, they didn't like the idea of stepping outside and into the wet. The two of us stood outside coaxing and begging them to go potty; when they refused, I brought them back in and placed each of them in their downstairs crates. Then Mr. Fun sat down in the sofa chair and I headed back upstairs to my warm bed. I am sick and all I wanted to do was sleep.

The next time I knew life existed, it was 10:30. I never sleep that late. The pups had run upstairs and Mr. Fun was right behind them. They all piled onto the bed and we snoozed for a while longer. It was 1:00 p.m. before I finally got out of bed. I guess I shouldn't admit that, but it is a rare occurrence. This has been a slow, serene, somber day as we both deal with sinus head colds.

The rain cleared by mid-morning and the remainder of the day the sky was painted with huge fluffy puffs of cotton. Sunset's color happened far off in the distance and wasn't captured here. Just as darkness arrived I convinced Mr. Fun to take me to the Jamba Juice store for another dose of wheatgrass juice. I want to be done with this head cold as quickly as possible. I think the wheatgrass is helping.

So the dining room center piece is today's photo.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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