....put on a happy face.....

High spot of the day!

Last night Charlotte headbutted me....as babies sometimes do as you jiggle them about.

About an hour after she'd gone I decided to go to bed....so I got a bowl of cereal (Cheerios) as I sometimes do. As I was munching away I suddenly thought...."Blimey that's a hard Cherrio"....or words to that effect. Spat out and looked down.....half a tooth!.....and several tiny bits. On closer inspection turned out to be a good 3/4 of a tooth....small incisor, top front, left side!

"Drat!" I said....or words to that effect. So dentist to phone tomorrow....doesn't look to me like it can be saved! So I may have to work up some interesting story about how I lost it protecting a lady's honour or something equally heroic.....can't be telling people an eight month old knocked it out!

Rudely awakened at 4.00 by the rain hammering on the window....dozed until the alarm went off for fishing at 6.15........got up went downstairs and opened the door....driving rain and howling wind!

"Drat!", I said.....or words to that effect...no fishing today!

Went back to bed got up at 10, pootled around a bit.......kept an eye on the Noisy neighbours game...."Drat!", I said....or words to that effect as they scuffed a3-2 win against Spurs...despite the fact they should have had a player sent off.

Decided to nip out before the United game...couldn't find my house keys...after a search and a text, turned out the daughter had gone out and taken them....so I couldn't go out...or at least I could but I wouldn't get back in...."Drat!", I said......or wtte!

Watched the Utd game....went 0-1 up ...."Jolly good show!", I said....or wtte.....Arsenal equalised...."Drat!", I said....or wtte.....Utd got the winner..."Hooray!", I said....or wtte.

Had dinner with the Daughter, the Boss came home, decided to go to the pub for a beer with D.....as I tied my shoes the lace snapped....guess what I said?....yes that's right "Drat!"...or wtte.

Time for bed before anything else goes wrong!

Das vidanya moy padruga!

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