...and I'm walking in .....

Grandad's living room.

Here it is...the proof...Charlotte at 8 months and one week is walking with the aid of her Christmas present!

This child is growing up way too fast.

Up and out with the lark this morning, bait sorted for tomorrow, breakfast, an hour with the boys.

Quiet afternoon.....the S & H , YH and Charlie came to visit. Charlie performed for us, we played and then fed her....bundled off to bed and then a curry for the three of us.

They've just gone, the Daughter has decided she's not going out tonight and Shaun has phoned to say I'm on my own fishing tomorrow.
Weather forcast checked...one says calm and rain....the other says wind and bright.....so it will probably be either calm and bright (fat chance) or wind and rain(much more likely).

Oh well if it's too bad to go out, I'll just have to have a long lie in....it's a hard life sometimes.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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