light and shadows #8

I was off today and the weather was lovely in Edinburgh. The sun was shining and the light was great for shadows! Lucky me! However, that meant I took too many pictures and then it was a bit more dificult to choose one.

As planned, I had a good lie in this morning and then I went to the gym. I did a pretty good session, so I'm feeling damn good just now!

May I just bore you with another of my random thoughts?

We are all essentially the same. We are all the result of an accidental clash between a spermatozoon and an ovum. We all evolve from an embryo to a human being inside a womb. We all have a brain, muscles, bones, skin, internal organs... We come out of the womb into the big wild world and we're left to get on with our lot the best as we can. Some of us are very lucky and appear in the right place at the right time, but some of us are not so lucky and our lot will be harder to deal with. At baby stage our little brains are like a white canvas which will be later on receiving and storing information from all sorts of different backgrounds, like a sponge soaking up water. I'm not an expert on brain science and I've never done any proper research about this, but I believe that our unique DNA has an important role on how we process this information and how we interact with our environment. That's what makes us individuals, but nobody is better or worse and we all deserve to have our lives respected. Live and let live! That's what I say.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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