The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Day Tripping

A day out in London. And what a day. Met some very interesting people, talked about research and collaboration opportunities at school and got excited. As I do when I talk about this stuff! Had time to peruse a few of my favourite shops on my walk from one meeting to my interview...this is in Niketown. What a cool trainer! I bought myself a birthday present - a new pair of leggings and top for the gym, I would wear then tomorrow but I'm doing a pool session so they might slow me down!!

My interview seemed to go well. I was considerably younger than the other candidates, by about twenty years or so, but I think I held my own. I'll find out the outcome early next week so fingers crossed. I managed to get the 20:05 train home so I should roll in about ten o'clock. The girls will be very cross with me...and very hungry too! I'm ready to make it up to them over the weekend and, if I'm successful in my interview, I need to find myself a local dog sitter to help me out on my subsequent trips to London.

So home and bed. And then I'll wake up and be 38! Argh! ;0)

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