This day

By snapper

Cornflake House

Fact: There are 41,335 Barnacle Geese on the island of Islay
4,117 Whitfront Geese
587 Grelags. Other fact: Who gives a damn!!! Who actually goes around counting all these scabby birds?

Early start today for Glasgow the East end at that! Had a meeting in a place that seemed to suffer from sporadic arson attacks. Found it hard to take in that the place was also only a stone's throw away from the cemetary where my folks are buried. My mother was such a West End toff that she must be birrlin in her grave to know where she is! My dad on the other hand probalby couldnt care less.
Still in the city, was looking at Celtic Connections but nothing takes my fancy, too much jazz and heavy blue grass or too much teuchie stuff. Still need to venture out for some food.
The house in the picture is on our street and was built around the late 60's as a first prize in a Kellogs Cornflake competition and to this day is still refferd to as the Cornflake House. I don't think the present residents are even aware of this! The strange lights to the left are small West End flying saucers.
Back home tomorrow morning

Have a good blip evening all

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