Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Not a pretty view

This blip should have been of a gorgeous Madeiran valley, or mimosa, passion flowers, terraces cut into the steep mountainside, pretty houses clinging to the hills.

But no. Went out on a guided Levada walk today and whilst it was a really enjoyable experience and the scenery was lovely, it rained. And rained. And rained. Luckily the camera stayed dry as I´d packed it in various waterproof bags but nothing else stayed dry and it was too wet to risk the camera for a photo.

I was the youngest on the walk and the best geared-up as I´d got walking shorts, walking boots, waterproof etc and when the guide chatted to me about what walking I´d done previously, I mentioned I´d done the Inca Trail. So it was particularly embarrasing when, not paying attention, I slipped on a wet rock and landed hard on my bum, with my hands and rucksack taking most of the shock. There was a worrying moment when I thought I may have broken my right wrist, but it´s just bruised. What a muppet!

I´ve backblipped the last 4 days if anyone fancies a look.

Catamaran trip tomorrow and a jeep safari on Sunday.

Now it´s nearly cocktail time.

I´ll catch up with everyone next week.


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