Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Early Morning Color

When I woke this morning, even before opening the window coverings, I could see that there was a pink hue. The pink seemed stalled for the longest time. I thought it would get passionate much quicker and turn scarlet, but no. Slowly it increased its intensity. I don't think I caught it at its peak, but this is what I did capture.

Later in the day I knew that Mr. Fun had an appointment in Riverside, so I hitched a ride with him again today and had him drop me off at the Barnes & Noble store, just as I did yesterday. I can't afford to repeat this behavior very often, but I made excuses for myself to indulge in books, magazines, words; teachers need to do that, right?

When I was there yesterday, the clerk told me that their computer showed two more Kooser books were in the store, but I couldn't find them. So today I checked again and found a copy of Kooser's Pulitzer Prize winning book of poetry. I didn't have to think twice about purchasing it. I was disappointed that he didn't write an introduction, but thoroughly overjoyed to see that the final poem is titled "A Happy Birthday." Those of you who know me and my delight with birthdays can imagine my thrill. Someday soon I should share that poem here.

Here are two quotes from the back of the book:

"Kooser is straightforward, possesses an American essence, is humble, gritty, ironic and has a gift for detail and a deceptive simplicity."
~~Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"Kooser is not afraid to challenge us and himself. He brushes poems over ordinary objects, revealing metaphysical themes the way an investigator dusts for fingerprints.
~~The Philadelphia Inquirer

Well, I'm now going to read some poetry.
It's been a very good day, even if it has been quite windy.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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