Reflections #1

Inspired by the fantastic reflection images from my fellow blipper JusJerry, I have decided to do a series of reflections. This is the first one.

I'm glad you enjoyed the light and shadows series. It was a bit difficult because we don't get that much natural light in Scotland during the winter and I was also working most of the time. I was actually surprised I managed my usual 12!

Off today. I had the usual long lie in bed I always have when I'm not working. I love waking up without the alarm clock! Simple pleasures in life! My other simple pleasure was to have a nice and relaxed breakfast. Then, I went to the gym. Now, I'm feeling good. It was funny in the gym because while I was in the changing rooms after my session, there was a girl that was singing really loudly in the shower. She didn't sing very well, but seemed to be enjoying the singing. The rest of the girls in the changing room were giggling away. Then, when she left the shower, she started dancing with the changing room music. Oh well, she looked happy!

I'll be going out this evening with my friends. I guess a pint will probably knock me out, haha!

Thanks very much for your lovely comments! I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

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