Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


As you may or may not know, Tim and I were in a car crash. Everyone survived and no one was seriously hurt, other than his poor car.

Background: Tim's dad died a little while ago. Tim bought his car with his father. Tim's car meant the world to him because it was one of the last memories he had of his father.

Not too long ago, sometime between the accident and now, Tim and I went to the lot where they were keeping his car and just took a little look at her to figure out if she was totaled or not. From our little adventure, we found that her frame was bent aka she was totaled.

But while we were there, Tim decided that he was not going to just walk away and leave Rose his car without taking something to remember her by. So he took her emblem that was right on the hood. I stole it from him that day and I knew I was going to make him something to remember her by.

A few days after that I ordered the leather band pictured and I bonded the two. I haven't given it to him yet, but I really hope he likes it. I assume he will.

I figured he should be able to wear his father on his arm whenever he chooses. It's not easy to lose a loved one and I may not know exactly how much he is still hurting from it, or how much he misses his dad, but I know that I'm going to do all I can to make the pain easier.

"You're only alone when you stop reaching for help."

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