Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Locked Out

I really need a key...

Like, I REALLY need a key.

Got locked out of the house today. I'm an idiot on so many levels. But honestly, I really couldn't complain too much because it was absolutely gorgeous out. Got a bit of my tan on and basked in the heat of the sun.

My memory seems to be just the strangest thing. I can remember an amazing number of facts and lessons from school, yet when it comes to any mundane task, I fall short. How the hell does that make sense?

I tell you, when it comes to street smarts, I'm as dumb as Britney or Jessica. I mean maybe I wouldn't think tuna is chicken, but I did almost believe I could fly when I was younger.

I swear, when it comes to common sense, I got the short end of the stick. My brother can seriously convince me of anything; and he knows it. Trust me, he takes full advantage of it, too. When I was younger, he convinced me that without wind, rain would break through windshields. It made sense when I was 10 and he was 14. The friction in the air would be gone and there would be no resistance slowing it down. The speed would just increase more and more the closer to the ground it got and I totally believed that there could be enough power to break a windshield...Don't worry, I know gullible is in the dictionary and that if you say it slow enough it does not sound like "ice cream."

But in my defense, I'm wicked smart in other areas.

"Manage me, I'm a mess. Turn a page, I'm a book half unread. I want to be laughed at, laughed with, just because. I want to feel weightless and that should be enough."

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