Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

So. Many. Packets.

Part of my job here at The Maury/Trisha Show is to call people and ask if they would like to receive free tickets to one of our shows. Each piece of paper in these packets represents a different person. There are anywhere from 20-80 pieces of paper in each packet. Needless to say, this is all I did today at work.

There are three types of people you deal with on the phone when you are calling from the audience department: the worshiper, the investigator, and the confused.

The worshiper is the best type of person to talk to. She will thank you so much for calling, saying things like, "The Maury Show, is this for real?!?!?" or "You just made my day. God bless." She is everything you would want in an audience member and more.

Then there is the investigator. This guy is deceptive. He wants to believe you are from the Maury Show, but is very hesitant to give you any personal information. Normally he has a heavy accent of some kind, making it harder to understand him and harder to answer his questions which makes him distrust you even more. He will normally ask you questions like "How do I know you work for Maury?" and "Tell me more about The Maury Show so I know you are for real." After some determined pressuring, 67% of the time, you can get him to order the tickets.

Then there is the confused. This is the person who requested tickets so long ago that they have forgotten. This is more entertaining than any of the other calls, but also the hardest to handle. Maybe you get someone who is pleasantly surprised by the offer, but most likely you will get the one who is insulted that you have their number. Be wary when dealing with the confused.

But of course, majority of the phone calls you make will consist of you leaving voice-mails. As boring as it may seem, or maybe you think it sounds enthralling it is a very fun way to spend the day, if you are calling with other people. One intern and I would leave voice-mails in different accents from all around the world. Most of them were bad, but hey, gave us a chance to practice them.

"Welcome to the planet. Welcome to existence."

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