Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Horny Ram

From the weather forecast it would appear we are caught in the middle between the cold weather in the east and the warmer, but wetter weather in the west. The result is cold, wet and windy - in my view the worst combination of them all! That bad I didn't even bother taking my camera with me on my morning run to the beach!

Had to look a bit closer to home for a blip and settled on this fellow, who is one of several Black Face Rams occupying the field at the rear of the house. The view of them can be quite odd at times as the house is build into sloping ground in front of the field, meaning the rams appear at eye level in the kitchen! Can be quite disconcerting in the Summer when a very large bull's face appears about 4 metres from the window!

The rams normally run off if someone approaches, so I had to creep up to the fence when they weren't looking and get the camera focussed on this one. I then grabbed its attention by whistling, at which point it turned round and stared at me for a moment before about turning and running away.

As a boy I remember watching my father making the handles for walking sticks from horns like this. They were always referred to as crommacks, the origin of which I am unsure. I have a hankering to make a crommack, which is another project on the retirement list! Still, I don't have to look to far for a horn!

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