Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Meall Mor

Maybe I shoud have had a look at Godwins original first and stepped back a few metres, anyway the road markings have changed since then.

Woke up a bit weary after horsing quite a bit of Jura. Had a leisurely breakfast then set off to the Kingshouse with the intention of doing Beinn a Chrulaiste. The legs weren't having it though, got about a third of the way up and they were protesting loudly and I came down and had a wander up the road to Black Corries Lodge. Got a few shots for a project I'm toying with so all good. I'm seriously going to have to up my fitness though with Skye and Knoydart planned for April and May. Drove home and caught most of the Celtic Falkirk game, only ever going to be one team going to the final and hopefully this will be the launch pad for the treble.

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