Comedy siskin
As I drove back to the flat yesterday, I noticed a flock of birds under the local alder trees; at a qick glance I thought, maybe goldfinches. Today I went round on foot, and discovered a flock of about fifty siskins (Carduelis spinus).
They were incredibly active, flitting from twig to twig, chattering away to one another, and mostly up high in the tree against a bright but boring grey sky. It took a while to get any kind of shot, but I did like this one of the typical feeding posture, even if it's not technically very good.
Very sweet wee birds! Later, I followed them round to an area where loads of alder cones had fallen and they came down to forage on the ground. Something the ever reliable wikipedia says they seldom do!
I think I'll stick a few more pics (and some earlier shots I got of Bob, up at the allotment) in Another Place.
Meantime, I think it's improved with embiggification!
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