Capital adventures

By marchmont

Occupy Edinburgh 2

Wakey, wakey - the scene this morning in the Meadows as the Environmental Warden (?) wakes up the relocated Occupy Edinburgh protesters. By afternoon there was a large sign on the encampment, a security van cruising the paths, 2 more wardens in High Vis and a gaggle of folk (Council?) having a confab by the tents. Could really spoil Lady Findhorn's view. Just as well she's off to Shetland.

It was cold today but no snow. More progress in the flat, the pulley is up - not sure if it's exactly where I wanted it but I assume the joists dictated the location. Progress in other things too - N arrived as did some keys - hurray! There was progress on the settlement front too - I now have a document to review, later methinks. It seems really weird to be doing this when exactly 34 years ago we were choosing rings and the wedding bouquet! I bought yellow roses for the kitchen yesterday - and 5 years ago about to sign for the first stage of the 'la nouvelle vie' - new life indeed but NOT what I planned.

More pressing is the need to revive the regular swimming habit and finalise the Tesco order - healthy mind and body and all that!

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