midwife crisis

By lulubelle

prawn conga

The local fish shop often has a rather charming young French man serving, so it's always worth checking out what he's got ! Today his 'Skate' offer pulled me in and there was his display for today, the prawns/languostine dancing down the ice, looking like they were at a great party. Good to see artistic outlets going on in the workplace. He tells me he does something different every day.
We got the skate (shell fish involves too much fiddly work with loads of legs, claws, eyes and shell)!

Yola started her 'pre's' today with a 2 hour English paper. She bounced in happily enough after and reported having written reams. If the marks reflect the creative writing than the spelling, she might be OK! She'd be up for honours if it was in text speak!
Tomorrow is Maths and history - a very mixed bag with Maths being the much stronger of her subjects. This is the only subject she has done extra (or grinds as they call it in Ireland). One day down, another week to go.

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