midwife crisis

By lulubelle

half way

A very grey but dry day, until late afternoon when the sun made a welcome appearance, but more interesting was the moon moment in a cloudless sky for all of 5 minutes. Cups of tea and kitchen talk (as in planning one ) were flowing with me, Mike and Ruth, but in my now semi permanent blip head space, I nipped off up stairs to see what being illuminated by the sun!

Had a fabulous back and neck massage with Mel, a lot now all goes up, down, left and right now...all without hurting ! What a little wonder she is with her oil and encouragement to surrender!

The bunting and red carpet treatment continue here in prep for the parentus visit. One minor snag, I was expecting to collect them tomorrow eve and it turns out its tomorrow morning, good job mum phoned!

Curled up this evening with Hubs, Mumma Cat, the fire, a glass of Sheperd and Neame Spitfire Ale and an episode of Skins (as recommended by Travelersjoy and our teenagers). Heavy, funny and a good sound track .

Yola reports having had the best day at school, ever. This is after Maths paper 1 and history today!

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