michigan man

By outdoorguy

It's a Party!! It's a Party!!

In my best Rod Serling (Twilight Zone) voice...Imagine if you will...that the duck on top (almost out of the picture) is the momma duck, and the pretty flier beneath her is her son.

29 years ago today...after already having 2 little girls...my wife gave birth to a son on her birthday. He didn't have much hair, and he cried a lot, and we gave him the name Jeffrey Paul.

As soon as my wife Lisa gave birth to Jeff, she forever gave up her own birthday, and thus...she will be forever 29. Jeff is 29 today.

Since it is his birthday, and not hers...He picked out the menu. Enchilida casserole (?) that his mom made last night, and chicken and noodles...which I need to be making instead of typing this blip, and Lisas banana cake for dessert.

Time flies. As the song says..."Oh how the years go by..."

If you notice the old duck in the corner...Imagine that is me...cheering them on. No matter how old your children get...they are still my babies...and that is my kind and considerate baby boy, and OH YEAH...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIS WONDERFUL MOTHER AND MY ANGELIC WIFE!!

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