Reflections #8

This is a picture of the reflection of a car on one of those fancy mirrors that deform you (making you look thinner or fatter) just outside Camera Obscura in the Royal Mile. I think the reflection of the orange light makes it look like a magical powder coming out of the car. I like that!

Today it wasn't as bad as I expected. Normally we get busier when the French tourists come for the France vs. Scotland rugby game. They just love whisky. We're prepared for a crazy weekend when they come!

So, it was busy but bearable and now I'm back home. Didn't go to a birthday party this evening because I've got a cake to work on. Off to do that now and I'll catch with you later on!

Back to work tomorrow!

Thanks very much for your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my reflection pictures. I feel really flattered! I hope you're all having a lovely weekend! :)

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