Reflections #9

I really liked this abstract reflections on these windows.

This morning, as I was walking to work, in front of me I saw two women who were obviously heading back home after a good night out. One of them was wearing a mini-skirt, no tights, no jacket, her hair was all over the place and she had taken her high heel shoes off which she was carrying in her hand, so she was walking barefoot! It was really cold and wet, but she didn't seem to feel the cold! The other one at least had swapped her high heels for a pair of flat shoes and was wearing a coat! Sometimes I think some women in this country have leather skin!

Work was quiet. I was glad they let me have my lunch 15 minutes earlier so I could attend the premier for the Scotland the World Over film. I met a few blippers there but, unfortunately, I couldn't stay long because I had to go back to work. The atmosphere was great!

Back home now. Tired after a long weekend. I'm hoping to get the icing done for my copper pot still cake this evening, but I'll see how it goes!

Thanks again for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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