Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

'Whose woods..'?

An unsettled day... Maybe because snow was imminent.
(It's here now. The describing word would be 'wet'. One had anticipated a little more drama and excitement in the snow department.)

The garden seemed full of birds today.
Even the ones which only usually pop by once in a blue moon seemed to stick around and chitter.
However, the sky didn't make much of an effort on the light front, so the images weren't great.

I was pleased enough with this woodpecker, which I've never seen in our garden before, it tends to favour next door. I'm trying not to take it personally.

We stayed in.
There was rugby.
And I made some rather calorie-laden brownies. With extra chocolate.
The icing on the cake was fudge.
I hope we're snowed in and have to spend days eating cake to keep warm :-/

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