
Today chubby hubby and I decided to go on an outing with Campbeltown camera club to the Springbank whisky distillery. On the way down we detoured to Glenbarr and found a smashing wee farm shop and cafe with the wierdest selection of foods, garden stuff and the most fantastic local lamb and beef. We didnt have time to go into the cafe but it is now on our list of to go to places. Well worth a stop no doubt and owned by very friendly locals.

We then carried on to Campbeltown and met with the rest of them and got a private tour of the distillary, we even saw them turning the mash. All in all we were left very much to our own devices and it was nice as it is not one of these places that caters for hoardes of tourists, this is a real working place with local guys and they were only to pleased to stop and blether,
I was trying to get that unusual killer shot but after looking over my pics, I don't really think I got it. The picture I settled on for blip is the above one of some wee dark room with big vats. I ventured into this room by myself and the further in I went toward the wall you see there the more uncomfortable I felt, like there was someone else there but when I turned round there was no one there! I went as close to the wall as I dared then chickened out and ran back releived to be out of there.
Afterwards the guy who arranged the visit was telling those about him including chubby hubby that that room was haunted! only I was off outside taking pics so didnt hear any of this and it as only afterwards when I told hubby how uncomfortable I was in there that he told me what they guy had said!
Finally got home and cooked the local lamb chops we bought and they were delish. Being an islander I love lamb and could eat it till the cows came home.

Happy blipping all

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