The copper pot still cake I made!

I'm being a bit naughty here, because usually I don't show the cake till the recipients have seen it, but I'm afraid I won't have time to post my blip later on, so you're seeing it before!

I've made an exception today and skipped a reflection blip to show you the cake I made for the whisky blog, because it has taken so much time and effort to make it that it deserves to be blipped! I turned the picture 45 degrees so you can see much better the copper pot still shape.

Last night I decided not to do the icing because I was too tired. If there's one thing I've learnt in this life is that, if you have to make something that requires time and patience, don't do it when you're tired. It just won't happen if you do! So I woke up early this morning to put the icing and finish the cake. This made me late for the gym, so I did a shorter session today because later on I'm going to the whisky blog anniversary I made the cake for! And that's why I won't have time later on to post my blip either!

I have to get ready now, so I'll catch up with you later on.

Thanks very much for your nice comments, stars and hearts. I do really appreciate them! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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