Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

You look perished me Duck...

...We humans, lacking the layer of down, were!

Although, credit where due.
Himself had prepared for our walk with a carefully planned 'down-to-a-fine-art' system involving silk and 'layering', and only suffered minor frostbite.
I threw on a hat and couldn't be bothered to wear my gloves, owing to hamperedness ensuing in the shutter-finger dept.
I'm two pots of tea into a nice sit down and I'm yet to thaw out :-/

We stopped by a second hand book shop on the way home.
(We're on holiday. At home. Don't ask!)

I pronounce myself thrilled with a set of four Ladybird books; 'What to look for in Spring' (and the other three seasons).
I'm transported back to being a Mixed Infant and sitting beside the nature table, silently suffering the school bully and wondering whether dragonflies really do ''come alive again''!
They don't. (Do they?) :-)

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