A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The Waterboys

James has spent ALL day in the pool today! he has gone a lovely shade of lobster pink despite frequent reapplications of factor 50 suncream - mum has gone out to buy a UV protector suit to keep the little blighter protected from the nasty sunshine.

His friend is here, who he has been desperate to see since we got home from Spain last year. Bless. So the kids have all been playing in the ´middle´pool, running and jumping in - including Jamie, whose confidence in the water is astonishing - so different frm last year.

So far I see him only for suncream top-ups and food. I have already read 1 of my holiday books and am well into the second. I´ve only brought 7 books out, could end up having to do some bloody work at this rate!

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