Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Withering Heights?

Witheringly cold anyway.

One of us was wearing some new walking boots today. There's posh!
When I first met Himself there were certain items of apparel that I didn't even know were missing from my wardrobe. He has taught me well :-)
And I concede.
A rucksac too IS more than useful, and yes. OK. I might even like one.

So. We both returned from our walk with dry, warm feet and supported ankles.
(Which is good. Yes?)
However, there was little of interest to capture, image-wise.

But Hey!
It's Friday. The red wine forecast has been astonishingly good all week (holidays eh!) and I'm convinced it will even hold out until next Monday. (When the diet begins).

Happy Friday one and all! :-)

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