Love of my life

Long suffering husband.
I love you so.
Your wife is in here somewhere.
I just don't know where.
I guess we weren't expecting the "in sickness" bit to be so soon after being married.
Thank you for your patience, your understanding, your sympathy and all the things you do that are making life a little easier to deal with.

It's half term. I got home at 5.15. I was in bed by 5.20 and woke again around 9, woken by pains again. Have updated the diary and I am pretty certain I can see a pattern forming, or rather 2 or 3 different patterns. I just don't know what they mean. I have seen my part of the bargain through and done 4 full weeks on the's the doctors next week with some greater degree of insistence that something is definitely not right. I was in such a horrible place this afternoon that I very nearly walked out of my lesson.

Fortunately Fisherking swept in half an hour later with a Krispy Kreme donut and the sugar rush (and a lovely group of kids) kept me where I needed to be for the remainder of the afternoon.

No more.

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