Self indulgent

Not the self portrait, but the fact that I have insisted on tinkering around with it so that it is not me as I truly am.

however, if you saw me as i truly am, you really wouldn't like it and probably wouldn't speak to me ever ever again due to the hideousness of my appearance and my attitude.

So much for yesterday's positivity.

Scuppered by my inability to sleep last night - finally dropped of sometime between 4.30 and 5am. Therefore slept till mid afternoon and then really only got up because it would have been rude to stay in bed till tomorrow morning.

I did bake a loaf of bread and some chocolate chip cakes.

Watched a lot of telly - Bones, NCIS, Wonders of Life.

Now, bath and then bed. Going into school tomorrow to work with a colleague who is taking over some of my work in my absence. Before you all shout at me - I do not have a sicknote yet and some things just need doing. So I will do them. However, it will be an empty school apart from a few of us - site staff and idiots like me. I will be making my appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. The need to take the painkillers this afternoon subsequently rendered me incapable of anything apart from sitting...can't drive like that never mind anything else. So none for me in the morning, then will top up when I get home.

5 weeks, 4 days.

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