Views of my world

By rosamund


I had decided that if the weather was bright when I got up I would head out early to take some photos. Thankfully it was a dry and fairly pleasant day so I headed down to the front after breakfast with Noah who was the only other one up at that time.

To try and avoid being too boring and repetitive I explored a different stretch of the shore from the yacht club round to cloch road. I wasn't disappointed as the birds and boats came out to give me far too many images to choose from.

There was a huge gathering of oyster catcher's at Hunter's Quay and the usual collections of Eider Ducks, Mallards and Seagulls dotted along the shore. I also encountered a lovely wee robin singing his heart out on a tree on the shore, I got some nice photos but they lack the clarity and definition of many a blipped robin.

The boat action was incredible, two canoeists, the ferries pootling back and forth, a wee navy boat, two speed boats, 2 massive cargo ships, as well as the one which has been sat at the mooring point since yesterday, a yacht and two wee fishing boats. This one caught my attention as I could see them throwing lobster creels in the water through the zoom although they were quite far out. They were moving constantly so was hard to get a really clear photo but I like the way this shot features the gulls and suggests some movement through the water.

In addition to my morning blips I also caught some deer in the back garden chewing over their lunch, one had quite a bad deformity but the SSPCA assure us he should be ok.

To top it all off there was gorgeous sunset so in the end I had to choose from about 250 shots, which was practically impossible, hence all the links. I can now understand how the blipped with time on their side can spend many hours in pursuit of the perfect blip.

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