Views of my world

By rosamund


If you saw the deformed deer in my blip folio yesterday you will know that we have a family of deer who frequent our back garden (and occasionally front steps if they fancy a treat).

The fit male and female were enjoying a good munch this afternoon. We were all a bit concerned ad we couldn't see the deformed deer but when the boys sneaked out for a closer inspection he was there, just a little apart from the other two which is much like their behaviour yesterday. Although the deformed deer has an obvious problem he seems to live a normal life but I wonder how long that will last if his deformed antler grows exponentially it may cause him real problems in future.

Aside from worrying about the deer I had a really great day off. Got a load of housework, baking, gardening and recycling done. Noah had a friend round in the afternoon and it was so good to see them playing outside in the fresh air again. I've managed to get my linen warp wound onto Big Bertha but I may save threading it until tomorrow to be kind to my back especially as the gardening involved more than enough bending down for one day.

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