Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Easy like Sunday

Today's blip is L. I had this scarf over my hair while it was it was in curlers today's but she wanted to try it on. I can just see her ploughing the fields before single handedly winning ww2 for us ;-)

My turn for a lie in this morning, didn't quite go to plan as L woke up screaming which woke the whole house up. J kindly took the girls downstairs but m made sure she came up to let me know there was only rice krispies leaf for brekkie, shortly before E came up to play loud barbies in her room haha! Never mind ay.

Woke up to the news of the death of Whitney Houston on many fb status'. I'm amazed that when Amy winehouse died there were so many hateful things said about her and the life she led, where as with Whitney most people seem to be sharing their sadness. I winder what the difference is?...although I do have some rather odd people on my Facebook :-p. We are yet to know the cause of houstons death, but it must be a tremendously sad for those around her.

Went for a run just in time for lunch and that is pretty much the extent of the energy I used today.

J has been shopping with his best man and my dad for wedding suits today. They seem really pleased with what theyve got. My dad's a bit of a 50s fanatic anyway so I reckon between them they'll have created a pretty good look. Eek!

Had father in law over for a curry tonight and now snuggling down to watch tv.

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