A Different Angle

This one is for M&Z, to show them how this tree grew since their visit!

I think that lonely little star atop the right side of the tree is some dear person peeping down at us!! I know of a very happy little family in heaven, had a lovely birthday party today! ;-)

My late husband Mike would have celebrated his 69th birthday today, but since he is in heaven with mine as well as his parents, I am sure they celebrated with the angels today! He passed away just over 18 years ago, only a few years after his father, my mom followed suit 14 months after him, his mother 5 months later and my dad joined them 4 years after her.

We could not help but wonder what life would be like if he was still alive today! What would he have looked like by now, what would he have done? I caught myself wondering what would life be like with such an 'old' person in 'my life? 70 Next year! Eisch, no, I could not have lived with such an 'old' person, hiehiehie, ?? then I realised I am only 5 years younger, and that makes me an ??. 'old' person too!! YIKES!! :-(

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