Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Because Richard chose it

After waking up, for ages, at some ungodly hour and then at another ungodly hour and then at a (probably) vaguely godly hour - at which I DO NOT get up - and lying awake for long enough to worry about lots and many various things, I finally fell into a deep sleep at about 7.30 this morning for an hour, got up, drank two cups of tea, dropped both cups, broke one, managed to hit myself painfully in the chest with a bottle of shower gel (no, I'm not sure how, either) and then plodded around the supermarket in a sleepy, sighing mess.

After that things picked up. Hooray!

We had a good old stroll around Crow Point with our visiting pals (once the toll road and our dodgy pound coin let us in), and stood in wonderment watching Richard and Maddy disappear into the distance chasing an errant kite as it escaped in the direction we had come from at top speed.

And, as hero of the day, I let him choose the photo and he chose this one.

So here are Tess (our child) and Maddy (their child) again. Because Richard chose it and also because they look good in photos together.

Richard's just been busy tutting at the brand new BBC series which zips around counties (and packaged Devon and Cornwall together as if we are one county - how very dare they?!) He was suitably unimpressed at a surf "expert" in North Cornwall talking about waves.
I wonder why people so rarely bother to mention the great surf in North Devon or check the facts before a programme is aired.

Blaa blaa blaa tired ranty garble...

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