...alcohol........but not my doll....

After the hectic day yzesterday a much quieter day for the last "working" day of my half term break.

Slept late...well....8.00 a.m.

Made the Boss breakfast when she got home. Off she went to bed ...."Wake me up at 12.30!"

Went to see the boys and made plans for fishing on Sunday...a match...last of the Winter League...supposed to be sunny but cold.

Home for a spot of lunch then off to get my hair cut at 1.45.

Got home and woke the Boss at 2.30....I think she was pleased that I'd disobeyed her orders about 12.30.

Tonight we've been out for a Chinese banquet...just the two of us....very good it was too....and we took 2 1/2 hours over it.

Today's blip is one of my presents from Siberia and the Mamoushka I got Dai to bring back for me. She's not the traditional mamoushka shape...but you can tell she's hand made and painted...she's slightly lop-sided and one of her earrings isn't complete....oh and the real give-away is that she cost me 1800 rubles.

I think we might just crack open the bottle to finish off the evening.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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