.....a stairway to.......

We went to see Dad today. Left the house in rain....10 miles up the road the rain was an absolute deluge....3 miles further it had turned to driving sleet. As we hit the Pennines the rain stopped.....3 miles beyond the top was blue sky!

It was windy and cold but glorious sunshine at Dad's. Coffee and a chat....then out for lunch....the pub in the next village is an old coaching house...this mounting block is attached to what was obviously the old stables.

A pint each...chicken, ham and leek pie for Dad, the Boss had braised beef, bacon, mushrooms and onions...with vegetables and chunky chips. Me? I had lasagne which came with salad and chips. Dad followed up with a fruits of the forest cheesecake and Chantilly cream...the Boss and I declined after last night's feast.

Drove back to Dad's only to find he had lost the keys....fortunately I always have a spare in the car..let him in...phoned the pub...sure enough the keys were there, dropped on the floor. Went back and collected them...another coffee...got him settled and set off home about 4.40. He was settling down for a nap by the fire when we left.

Drove home through a lovely sunset...settled in for the night and we had a terrific hail storm...we haven't eaten anything...just caught up with Casualty (the Boss) and CSI New York (both of us).

Off to bed soon....fishing match in the morning......it's forcast sunny but bitterly cold...wonder how many will turn up.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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