Don't leave your handbag lying about

This sign is on the back of the interior of one the interior toilet doors at John Muir country park, Dunbar. They are conscientious toilets and also winner of 'The Best Loo 1999' For some reason I really don't like seeing the word 'loo' written down. I don't mind saying it; I don't think.

Anyway, they are good toilets, but I would hazard a guess that their heyday is behind them.

This photo was taken a moment before our walk started and thirty minutes before we got caught in a freaky sand/hail/rain storm - very invigorating and a bit scary - Alice hated it (funnily enough) the boys loved it and I felt like I'd had a free facial. And we made a film, which I will post at some point.

happy Saturday one and all

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