
...the book of

the smallest one i've ever laid eyes on... it measures about 3 1/2 inches by 2 inches... and contains all 31 chapters of the biblical proverbs...

one day - many moons ago... i was searching through an antique store - because they hold many hidden treasures you know... one can never be certain what might be found in them... i don't remember what i may have been on the hunt for - i have a variety of collections - many things interest me... books being one... as i was making my way through the shop, this itty-bitty book grabbed my attention. it's leather bound - and crinkled around the edges and the paper is very fine... but it's not dated and there's no publishers mark on it anywhere - so i've no idea how old it is - where it originated - how it may have made its way to the states... nothing... nada... but my vivid imagination to make something up - which we all know can mean trouble sometimes... the shopkeeper was of no help either. most items come in on consignment, so there was a shrugged "i'm sorry" and that was that...

i purchased the little treasure - holding it dear ever since... it has a special place on top of a book of psalms laid out on an antique dresser... acquired as a graduation gift from my parents. words of wisdom contained in a small book - gems to learn from - make for...


happy day.....

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