...who wrote the book of .....

This is my birthday Kindle from the Boss.....I always said I'd never have one....I'm a book person....the feel of turning a page...the smell...and then this turned up.....and I can't put it down. I'm currently reading The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld by Terry Pratchett.....I've just read his latest novel Snuff in three days!

The fishing was poor today...for everyone....we had a frost last night after a week of slowly rising temperatures....that killed it stone dead.

Home to a dinner cooked by the Daughter....lasagne...it was lovely....only trouble is I had lasagne for lunch yesterday!"

D and I visited B tonight, he's still recovering from his operation so we went round to his house to carry on with our weekly card game........S made a pizza for us. Mamma Mia!

So that's the half term break over...back to work tomorrow...a full day teaching...oh poo!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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